14 May 2008


"Give yourself permission to not have to be perfect that first time out of the box."  - Merlin Mann

Over and over I've told my co-workers that I need to have a blog.  Some of the stories both with customers and co-workers are much too valuable to keep inside.  So today, after three years of talking about it I'm beginning it. 

I'll write about the customer, twice my age who died in my arms after the heimlich maneuver didn't work and about the fact that I still wonder why minorities and foreigners as a rule don't tip very well (I am a 'minority' and english is my second language). 

Mainly I have stories from my restaurant experience but occasionally I'll have some from my 'upscale' retail job.  It's just that job isn't as interesting most of the time.  

Again, this post isn't perfect, but hopefully I'll get better at it. 

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